Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Day 19

Learning Targets:
  • Describe the different structures, powers, and functions of each house of Congress.
  • Explain how the structure, powers, and functions of both houses of Congress affect the policy- making process.
Opener: First, conduct a hasty TIP-C analysis of the graphic below:

Data provided by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_Budget_Office

Activity #1 - After you have analyzed the above graphic, use the article found here 

1.  How do the choices Congress makes about the budget reflect our values as Americans?
2.  How might the manner in which Congress "appropriates" money reflect their approval ratings and likelihood of reelection?   
3.  What is the President's role in the budget process?

Activity #2 TIP-C...but with a bit of explanation below.   FOCUS ON THE "C" in TIP-C!!!

Mandatory Spending = "Automatic" spending funds programs required by law (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security)
Interest = Just the amount of Interest accrued on the national debt that year...yep, just the interest.
Discretionary Spending = Congress can actually determine which programs get how much (military, education, roads, etc.)

Close - N-50 - Budget Process

Related Terms:


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Day 35 - AP Exam Prep for Test Takers Note:  The following is ONLY for students who have chosen to take the AP US Government and Politics...