Monday, November 4, 2019


Learning Targets:

  • Explain how presidents have interpreted and justified their use of formal and informal powers.
  • Explain how the president can implement a policy agenda. 
Opener:  From your collective analysis from the last two weeks, how would you describe the executive branch, or specifically the president, cabinet, and federal agencies in 2-3 sentences that anyone could easily understand?

Activity #1:  Executive Branch Mini-Lecture #2 - Evolution of the Office and its limitations

Activity #2: Orders, proclamations, power and prestige.

With a partner....

Use the link below to select an example of the types of executive orders and proclamations issued by presidents, and then answer the questions below in your notebook.

  1. ASAP analysis of your selected document.
  2. How did the president use the Executive Order, Proclamation, and/or other documents that you have selected to increase their authority and/or prestige?  
Close: N-50

Executive Authority
  • LD
  • SD
  • Examples - 
    • Executive Orders, 
    • Executive Agreements, 
    • Executive Privilege
  • Non-Examples
    • War Powers Act
  • Related terms

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Day 35 - AP Exam Prep for Test Takers Note:  The following is ONLY for students who have chosen to take the AP US Government and Politics...