Thursday, January 16, 2020

Day 5 - Supreme Court Simulation Prep Part II 

"Being on the Supreme Court is rather like taking the veil; you just sit there and try to get the right answer as other people argue in front of you. It's not nearly as exhilarating as the Executive Branch."
--Justice Antonin Scalia at Columbus Citizens Foundation dinner, Oct. 8, 2005
Learning Targets:  Students will be able to....
  • Explain the principle of judicial review and how it checks the power of other institutions and state governments.
  • Explain how the exercise of judicial review in conjunction with life tenure can lead to debate about the legitimacy of the Supreme Court’s power.
  • Explain how other branches in the government can limit the Supreme Court’s power

Opener:  Explain how the Supreme Court has attempted to balance claims of individual freedom with laws and enforcement procedures that promote public order and safety

Activity #1: Case Prep

Korematsu v US
Engle v Vitale
Roper v Simmons

Activity #2:  Simulation Prep - Part 2 - Role assignments
  • Attorney - Prepare a 3-5 minute argument for the court on behalf of your client
    • Remember that this is a legal argument that draws from the Constitution and amendments.
  • Justices - Prepare questions to ask to the attorneys
    • The purpose here is to be able to ask clarifying questions to the attorney's during the hearing.
  • Court Reporters - Prepare a template for your brief article that you will write following the case
    • It's going to happen fast and having a sound method for how to quickly organize and record arguments and comments will be key.
Close:  CPE

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