Learning Targets:
- Explain how the bureaucracy carries out the responsibilities of the federal government.
- Explain how the federal bureaucracy uses delegated discretionary authority for rule making and implementation.
Opener: If both the Executive and Legislative branches have age and residency requirements to serve, should the members of the bureaucracy have constitutional requirements? Explain.
- Patronage
- Civil Service Exam
- Merit System
Activity #1: Regulation of your day
Although Congress writes the laws, and the President executes those laws, it is the bureaucracy that follow through with their actual enforcement. We have become so used to bureaucratic regulation that we rarely even give it a thought.
Although Congress writes the laws, and the President executes those laws, it is the bureaucracy that follow through with their actual enforcement. We have become so used to bureaucratic regulation that we rarely even give it a thought.
- Make a detailed list of tasks and activities (outside of school) that you conduct each day. You should have a list of at least 6.
- Now make a list of rules and/or regulations regarding each activity.
- For example, I get up and make coffee each morning. My coffee maker has to meet safety regulations for electrical appliances, while the water I use must be be inspected to ensure that it does not contain certain contaminants, bacteria, etc. The coffee that I use must list any additional ingredients, as well as information about where it comes from, on the packaging. ALL OF THESE ARE REGULATIONS MADE AND/OR ENFORCED BY BUREAUCRATS!
- Choose 2 activities from your list and try to determine what government organization(s) regulates that item or activity.
- For Example, the FDA requires that under the "Food Safety Modernization Act" that all coffee processing facilities be secured against threats of contamination, bioterrorism, and food-borne illnesses.
- Now choose 1 of your activities above and explain why regulating that item or task is so important. How dangerous can a coffee maker really be?
Activity #2: Using OSAM, ASAP, TIP-C
Unless bureaucracy is constantly resisted, it breaks down representative government and overwhelms democracy. - President Ronald Reagan, 1982, State of the Union Address
Close: N-50 - Iron Triangle
LD - The relationship between Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups that develops during the legislative process. This essentially closes off influence from constituents.
Related Terms
LD - The relationship between Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups that develops during the legislative process. This essentially closes off influence from constituents.
Related Terms
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